Interview with Lo!
Jackson Price interviews Sam Dillon from Lo! Photo by Leon Jones
Jackson: Lo! seem to be one of the hardest working bands in the country at the moment, both your touring schedule and live show have been unrelenting for the past year or so. How much are you looking forward to playing DoW and how did you even get time to fit it in!?
Sam: Lo! have definitely benefited from the resurgence of a healthy heavy metal scene and the greater number of overseas acts touring Oz shores since our 3rd album "Vestigial" with us hitting the road with some of our favourite bands from the US and Europe. Queensland's premiere heavy music fest DOW is a coveted gig on our calendar so we are keen to destroy fresh fans and see some old faces in the sea of sweaty tropical metal heads.
Jackson: Will we be hearing any new material at DoW?
Sam: We've been beavering away this year on the follow up to "Vestigial" but its too early to say when we will christen songs on stage.Rest assured there is new music being written for further domination with our sludge anthems!
Jackson: You've played the festival before, what's your favourite part of the day?
Sam: Easily its the chaos of our set whipping the Brissie crowd into a frenzy before we get to take in the other acts.
Jackson: Are there any bands on the lineup you are super keen to catch on the day?
A - Well its a pretty diverse collection of Australia's finest but Disentomb, Beast Wars(NZ) and our Sydney sludge brothers Sumeru we'll be raising the claw hands for so I'm sure you'll see us lurking about across both venues.
See Lo! perform at the Dead of Winter Festival. For tickets and info visit
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